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Do Aussiedoodles Shed? (Find Out Now!)

Do Aussiedoodles Shed? (Find Out Now!)

Welcoming a new dog into the family is fun and exciting!

However, there’s one important factor that everyone tends to overlook: Dogs shed, some more than others. But what about Aussiedoodles? Do they shed?

Aussiedoodles shed just as any other dog does; however, they tend to shed less than other breeds.

If you can ensure your Aussiedoodle has an F1 Doodle as a parent, then you can guarantee a very minimal amount of shedding. However, there are things you can do to keep the shedding even less.

This article will discuss the Aussiedoodle breed and its shedding habits to help you better understand what you will be undertaking when adopting one of these lovely dogs into your home.

It’s better to be prepared than caught off guard, and we understand that.

Are Aussiedoodles Hypoallergenic?

AussiedoodleRegardless of the famous claims, there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog. Low-shedding canines, such as purebred Poodles, are available, but none are non-shedding.

When a Poodle breeds with other breeds, such as an Australian shepherd, we obtain a strong puppy with a reduced shedding potential.

And if you or a close relative has severe allergies, an F1 Doodle could be a great option because they shed minimally and don’t seem to aggravate allergies.

Of course, this isn’t a hard rule, so your Aussiepoo or Bernedoodle may shed.

Check Your Allergy Situation

If you still wish to ride the Doodle rail, you might want to look into the F1B Doodle if you suffer from severe allergies. Cuddle with a first-generation puppy for a while to determine whether your sensitivities are triggered.

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The intensity of allergies determines the extent of hypoallergenic characteristics. Sometimes the puppy resembles its father, while other times it resembles its mother, or perhaps both!

The same can be said for having allergy-inducing features.

What Are The Different Aussiedoodle Coat Types?

Aussiedoodle-coat-typeThe curled and ruffled coats are the outcomes of the Poodle parent’s genes. Curly hair will cause you additional trouble and will demand extra upkeep than wavy hair.

The intensive combing is necessary because the curly coat can quickly become matted. Brushing your curls on a daily basis is essential to keep them fresh and lively!

The presence of the Australian Shepherd in the genetic pool frequently results in wavy hair. Hair that is wavy is longer and requires very little maintenance.

Nonetheless, the master must brush his curly Aussiedoodle either once or twice each week. This is a type of dog with a single coat. As a result, there is no undercoat to force stray hairs out.

Which Health Issues Cause Excessive Shedding?

Aussiedoodle-shedsIndeed, shedding has been linked to a variety of health complications. Take, for example, anxiousness. We frequently overlook the dangers of nervousness.

It can even trigger shedding in Aussiepoos, particularly when they are idle or anxious.

Anxiety produces a lot of licking, gnawing, and itching, which can cause skin irritation and eventually leave your dog bald.

Idle anxiety is much less challenging to overcome. It’s all up to you to have a good time with your dog! Get your family together, hop in the car, and head out on an expedition!

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At the very least, visit the local park. This way, you may stimulate the dog’s mind even while exercising it. Bouncing a baseball or throwing a frisbee with your pup is a terrific method to relieve stress.

You’ll be helping your dog get some cardio while also giving it the chance to spend time with you, and that’s always a positive.

Ticks And Fleas

Spending time in the park isn’t entirely risk-free. There’s always a threat hiding around the corner. Fleas, ticks, and other pests can make their way under your dog’s fur in this situation.

These tiny critters cause itching and skin discomfort. This implies the pup will clean himself excessively, scratching and causing sores and lesions. This is something that no one likes!

Deep sores invite bacteria, further complicating the problem. Use treatments structure to withstand parasites and ticks the next time you go to the park.

Ticks and other pests can be deterred from latching themself to your dog’s coat with a variety of remedies ranging from sprays to drops to collars.

Poor Diet

One of the most common and straightforward causes of shedding is terrible nutrition. Hair is broken easily and then becomes brittle.

Usually, supplements are required! Many health issues are caused by poor eating habits!

Fortunately, this issue can be readily solved by just raising the quality of the dog food you purchase. Your dog’s coat will be bright and healthful, and the increased activity level will give him a surge.


Omega-3 fatty acids ought to be abundant in the dog diet. This supplement helps the dog grow large and powerful while also thickening and strengthening his coat!

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Raw food is, by far, the most acceptable source of omega fatty acids.

Giving your dog a whole can of tuna or salmon, or perhaps even fresh mackerel, is perfectly OK. Scallops are also a decent option, but fish sticks aren’t.

Zinc stores are higher in salmon, chicken, and beef. Zinc is a high-quality mineral that relieves redness and swelling in the skin.

Your pet’s body requires protein in addition to zinc and omega fatty acids. Protein does not have to come from meat. Regardless of how you make them, eggs are a superior option!

Edamame is also a significant source of protein.

How Much Do Aussiedoodles Shed?

Aussiedoodles-on-iceDue to their poodle parentage, Aussiedoodles shed very little.

Of course, there seem to be a variety of circumstances that can contribute to increased shedding, which is why it’s critical for you to understand all of your pet’s shedding causes.

Even so, with regular gentle grooming, there won’t be any hairballs floating about. Shedding in Aussiedoodles can be caused by a variety of factors.

The Aussiedoodle is a low-shedding dog kudos to its Poodle predecessors. Dead hair is trapped beneath the coat by the stiff curling hair, where it will remain until you comb it out.

You won’t notice any more shedding after this ugly scenario is resolved. You’ll be relieved that there are no periodic blowouts, as some animals have.

Yet again, credit to the Poodle father who contributed the genetic information for a low-shedding, curly-haired puppy with a single coat.

Whenever the Aussiedoodle matures into an older dog, the puppy coat will be gone for good. This guarantees that the low-shedding characteristic will remain.

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How To Handle Aussiedoodle Shedding

Identifying the source of your Aussie’s shedding is the most important component of treating it. When you’ve identified all of the potential shedding causes, it’s time to address each one, whether it’s by adjusting their diet or assisting them with monotony.

Even though it may appear to be a lot of labor, caring after a shedding Aussiedoodle isn’t difficult at all. Isn’t it true that some mild combing each day isn’t too challenging?

Even better if you have a wavy Aussiedoodle! Brushing is only required every two weeks.

We don’t see why someone should suggest Aussiedoodles are difficult to groom if they are groomed on a routine basis and washed sometimes.

Do Aussies Lose Or Blow Out Their Puppy Coat?

Aussiedoodle-dirtyThis is true of all dog breeds. It’s only intuitive for puppies to have their coats blown out. The Aussiedoodle, on the other hand, achieves it with significantly less shedding.

There will be no sizable balls of hair in your house. All you’ll get is a few hairs here and there.

What About The Yearly Coat Blowout?

Even though all dogs get a yearly blowout, the Aussiedoodle does not. They have a single coat that does not change with the seasons, thanks to their Poodle genetics.

That’s the main advantage of having a low-shedding Doodle!

Limit Aussiedoodle Shedding

Aussiedoodle-furYou can restrict shedding regardless of how little your Aussiedoodle sheds.

We recognize that some of you animal lovers absolutely can not stand getting too close to dog hair. Allergy symptoms are a pain in the neck at any time of the year!

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You can cut the coat somewhat frequently. Curly Aussies need to be trimmed more than wavy Aussies. Every two or three months, the dog should go to the groomer.

These regular appointments aid in shedding and hair matting prevention.

Every three to four months, the wavy Aussiedoodles should go to the groomer. If your pet spends a lot of time outdoors, it has to be groomed more frequently.

Mud and weeds can become lodged in these dogs’ hair, making them more susceptible to illnesses and injuries.

Brush Your Aussiedoodle

Regular brushing is, of course, the greatest way to keep the Aussiedoodle from shedding excessively. Brushing your hair maintains it fresh, neat, and silky.

Brushing should not be thought of as a chore. This is an excellent initiative to strengthen your dog’s socializing skills. Make brushing time a game for both of you!

Finally, Aussiedoodles must be sanitized. Bathing time for curly Doodles should be done each week or twice a month. Wavy Doodles can be washed once every month.

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