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Do Yorkies Shed? (Find Out Now!)

Do Yorkies Shed? (Find Out Now!)

Yorkies are charming canines with a fiery and vibrant nature, just like a true terrier. They have large personalities and are usually full of fun and confidence, despite their small stature.

However, any amount of dog shedding might be a problem for allergy-prone people. So, it’s essential to know, Do Yorkies shed?

Yorkshire-terriersYorkshire Terriers are well-known for being hypoallergenic. This means that they don’t shed nearly as much as other dogs, and the shedding cycle is much slower than other breeds.

Yorkies, like people, will eventually lose their hair. You won’t locate strands of hair around the house because of their small size.

How much do Yorkies shed, exactly? What makes Yorkies shed so little in comparison to other breeds? After all, not every dog breed sheds at the same rate.

Let’s look at all of these great questions and see why certain lapdogs do not shed excessively.

Why Don’t Yorkies Shed?

yorkiesYorkies, according to many owners, do not shed.

Although, It all depends on how you define shedding. Yorkies will shed if “losing hair” is considered shedding. It’s just that these small dogs shed so infrequently that it’s hard to see.

Almost all dogs shed to a certain degree, though some shed more so than others. While Yorkies do not shed as much as a Corgi, they are not a hairless dog breed that doesn’t shed at all.

As a result, below are some of the causes why all these dogs “will not shed much.”

Yorkies Have Hair, Not Fur

But do you know what the Yorkie’s hair coat’s finest feature is? Hair coats will always be single coats, implying less shedding due to the gradual shedding process.

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If you’ve ever touched a Yorkshire Terrier, you’ll discover that their coat is very different from a Golden Retriever. This is due to the fact that Yorkies have a hair coat rather than a fur coat.

It might not appear to be a major deal. However, there is a substantial difference between a hair coat and a fur coat when it comes to dogs.

Are Hair And Fur The Same Thing?

Yorkie-hairEven though most folks combine the phrases “hair” and “fur,” this isn’t correct. Both are biologically related, to be sure. Both, for example, are formed up of a protein called keratin.

They differ in texture, touch, and length, though.  In addition to being lengthier and finer, hair is smoother. It can either be curly or straight. It’s both long and curled throughout the Yorkshire Terrier.

Fur coats, on the other hand, are generally typically shorter than hair coats. Fur coats are often denser due to their “double coats” ( the undercoat and topcoat).

Yorkies Have A Slow Shedding Cycle

As previously stated, the Yorkshire Terrier’s single coat sheds more slowly. Their hairs are often significantly longer than their double-coated counterparts due to the slower cycle.

However, regardless of the dog’s coat type, the hair growth cycle will be the same. They spend more or less time in various phases. As a result, here are the four stages of a dog’s growth cycle:

The Yorkie’s Shedding Cycle.

Yorkie-shedding-cycleSorry if this knowledge makes you sad; the excellent news is that they will only shed a small amount of hair, and it typically goes undetected.

A Yorkie has thin, silky hair that can become quite lengthy if not trimmed regularly. These hairs gradually fall out over time, and new hairs grow in their place.

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These old hairs frequently become lodged in the dog’s coat, which is why they are rarely visible in the house.

Instead of going through a few coat “blow-outs” every year that dogs with fur experience, this is a continuous process that occurs nonstop but at a modest rate.

Yorkie Coat Maintenance

If you want your Yorkie’s coat to stay long, you’ll have to comb it every day. Their hair is vulnerable to knotting and tangling due to its delicate, silky nature.

Brushing the coat on a daily (or multiple daily) basis will assist in reducing snags and tangles from accumulating and remove stray hairs from the coat, preventing them from taking over your home and your furnishings.

A shorter style can go longer without regular brushing, although brushing should still be done once or twice each week. Brushing is beneficial for more than merely detangling knots and removing dead hair.

It’s also good for socializing with your dog, soothing him, eliminating dirt and grime from the coat and skin, and activating the skin’s oils, which results in a richer and cleaner coat.

What Causes Excessive Hair Loss In Yorkies?

Yorkie-hair-lossHere, we’ll examine the Yorkie’s coat, as well as situations where they could lose portions of their coat organically and the more significant issues of severe hair loss.

Recognizing these distinctions can help you choose how to manage your Yorkshire Terrier’s coat best or when to become alarmed.

Hormonal changes may cause your Yorkshire Terrier to drop a large amount of hair all at once. The first hormonal issue arises when a puppy reaches a certain age and undergoes the requisite maturational changes.

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Puberty Causes Yorkies To Shed Excessively

As previously noted, the coat of a puppy Yorkie differs significantly from that of an adult Yorkie. When these puppies reach adulthood, they must shed their first coat and develop their adult one.

Around the age of 5 or 6 months, this happens. Don’t be concerned if your puppy is losing more hair than usual at this age. It’s a sign that their hormones are coming in, and they’ll be getting this new coat soon.

Hormones accelerate the process, resulting in more hair falling out faster. This may result in a short window of a thinner coat, although this is only transitory.

Pregnancy And Birth

Yorkie-hormonesPregnancy and birth are the second hormonal issue that causes Yorkies to shed. When it comes to hormone levels, this is a difficult period, and these fluctuations can have a pull impact on hair loss.

As their hormones kick in, many babes will lose their hair, possibly in patches. The hormones will eventually balance themselves, and hair growth will revert to baseline.


Another disease in which your puppy’s hormones take over is hypothyroidism. Weight gain, ill health, and poor coat conditions can occur as the thyroid starts to slow down, affecting hormone balance.

Because the hair is in such bad shape, it is more prone to breaking and coming out. When considering why Yorkies shed hair, we must consider other factors, such as their skin and their mental health.


Neurodermatitis is a disorder in which dogs lick their coats erratically to the point of hair loss. Concentrated attention on one location will result in an alarming bald patch.

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Distress, nervousness, or restlessness are suggested to be the causes. It can happen at times of transition, such as a big move, and will pass with enough attention and patience.

Allergic Dermatitis

When pups come into contact with something they are allergic to, they get allergic dermatitis. The trouble is that you may not realize they are allergic until they manifest themselves as itchy, painful skin patches.

The result is a thinning of the coat as well as hair breaking. This is readily remedied by addressing the sensitivity and preventing more exposure.


Alopecia is the last condition to consider when it comes to Yorkie hair loss. As the body reacts to sickness, this is assumed to be linked to an autoimmune disorder.

With no other physical signs, the hair will thin and fall out. Alopecia usually always heal itself, and hair grows back once the sickness is gone. This is not a regular occurrence, but it is more probable in this breed than in most others.

Grooming Is A Must For Yorkies, Even If They Don’t Shed As Much

grooming-YorkieThere seems to be a lot to learn from this. Many Yorkie owners who were persuaded to believe that this was a low-maintenance breed are now afraid that they were deceived.

The incredible thing is that with proper grooming, this breed can still be minimal care. Healthcare difficulties and hormonal fluctuations may have an impact on their coat.

They do not shed their seasonal coat in the same way that thicker working dogs do, but they shed their puppy coat and are susceptible to hair loss. You can brace for these situations and know how to address them if you keep a close eye on their condition and development.

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Related Questions

Are Yorkies hypoallergenic?

Yorkies are considered hypoallergenic because they don’t shed nearly as much as other dogs. Their shedding cycle is very slow and minimal, so the amount they shed is slim to none, making them hypoallergenic.

How do you keep tangles out of a Yorkie’s hair?

You can use the detangling spray when you are grooming your Yorkie. Make sure it’s safe to use as animals, though, as people love to put a lot of harmful chemicals in products.

How often should a Yorkie go to the groomer?

If you want your pup’s hair to stay relatively short, you’ll want to bring them to the groomer at least every six weeks. Otherwise, it may get longer than you prefer it to be.

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