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Do Shih Tzus Shed? (Yes, And Here Is How Much!)

Do Shih Tzus Shed? (Yes, And Here Is How Much!)

Dogs shed their unhealthy or old hair in a natural manner. This is a very common occurrence. The amount of shedding varies depending on the dog’s breed and condition.

So, how about a Shih Tzu? Do Shih Tzus shed?

Shih Tzus do shed, but only in minuscule amounts. Although Shih Tzus are thought to be non-shedding dogs, shedding may occur in Shih Tzus, even if you aren’t aware of it.

They will undoubtedly shed hair on a regular basis, with more shedding occurring throughout the fall and spring seasons.

The shedding of a dog’s fur can be aggravating for all parties involved. Hairs everywhere would drive anyone crazy, mainly if you are a clean freak, regardless of how much you love your dog.

Read on to find out just how much Shih Tzus shed and what you can do about it.

Shih Tzu Coat Type

The majority of dogs have fur, while the Shih Tzu has hair. They are, however, substantially the same. The only distinction is that the hair is lengthier and has a smoother finish than the fur.

Shih Tzus’ hair does fall out like people’s. When a Shih Tzu’s hair comes to the end of its growth period, it is common for them all to fall out.

The coats of Shih Tzu and other dog breeds with hairs are constantly renewing, and portions of the coat are always in one of three states.

How Much Do Shih Tzus Usually Shed?

Shaggy animals shed their coats on a frequent basis. This is a natural occurrence that all animals, especially dogs, go through. Even we, as humans, shed our hair on a daily basis.

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Hair shafts last longest in dogs with constant hair growth, such as Yorkshire Terriers and Poodles, and they shed very little.

Because root hairs in dogs like Labrador Retrievers and Huskies have a limited lifespan, they shed more often than average.

The Shih Tzu isn’t known for being a heavy shedder. They go through a cycle, and new hairs replace them every now and then.

Although shedding is not a major issue for Shih Tzu owners, there are a few other things to consider.

One thing is certain: this breed has the sweetest face in the world, and their bodies, like humans, are covered with hair rather than fur.

Their hair typically develops up to 2 inches in length before breaking off.

Normal Shedding

The Shih Tzu is classified as a low-shedding breed since their hair shedding is really relatively slow.

Only around 10% to 15% of coats stay in the Catagen Phase (hair-losing stage) at any given moment, depending on their health. This is a limited situation with no other difficulties.

Shih Tzu shedding is little, and the owners of this dog breed will not be overwhelmed. With that said, you should take specific additional procedures to get rid of any stray hair.

It’s impossible to let the shedding process run its course on its own. Your small actions will add up to a significant difference.

Shih Tzus Have Loose Hairs

Shih Tzus can have medium to long coats, and most of the falling hairs will stay or fall back into the coat. As a result, the loosened hairs may be challenging to discern.

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Just because they’re tucked away doesn’t imply there aren’t any loose hairs.

Shih Tzu with shorter coats shed at the same rate as Shih Tzu with longer coats, albeit more hairs fall straight down rather than getting stuck in the outer coat.

Because they are short hairs, you may not see them at first, but if they are not adequately cleaned, the hairs will build throughout the house.

Regardless of your Shih Tzu’s coat type, it’s critical to remove any dead or loose hairs that have become lodged inside the coat.

These stray hairs will obstruct airflow to the skin and may be covered with body oil, causing them to stink.

Shedding Seasons Of Shih Tzus

Whether it’s fur or hair, these groupings shed to make way for new ones every now and then. Shih Tzus shed twice a year, usually in the spring and fall.

If you own a Shih Tzu, it’s possible that you won’t notice shedding throughout a season because the longer hairs aren’t the ones that fall off during the shedding season.

The hairs that are shed during the shedding season are shorter and thinner.

In the fall and spring, all dogs will shed more than usual. The majority of dog breeds have two coats. The undercoat is one, and the topcoat is the other.

The top coat is the layer that you can feel on the exterior and see with your eyes. Delicate, soft hairs develop around the primary coat to form the undercoat.

Shifts In Weather Make A Difference

Because of the shift in temperature, seasonal shedding occurs. Blowing Coats is another name for the procedure.

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Dogs shed their light undercoat and acquire thicker coats when the temperature decreases to protect themselves from the cold.

Then, when the weather warms, they shed their bulkier coat and adopt lighter coat that is better suited to summer.

When the temperature changes, not every dog’s coat reacts in the same way because Shih Tzus have a thinner undercoat. They shed less when the seasons change.

Hairs Get Stuck In The Undercoat

Seasonal shedding is commonly overlooked by Shih Tzu owners. This is because allowing the Shih Tzu to develop his hair causes the undercoat hairs to fall off and become entangled in the topcoat’s long hairs.

You won’t find Shih Tzu’s hair on the ground, couch, or on your garments right away because of this barrier.

When your Shih Tzu hair is clipped, shedding becomes visible. Because their topcoat hairs are shorter as a result of the haircut, they are unable to capture hairs that come out due to seasonal shedding.

As a result, noticing the falling hairs is much easier. This proves that the Shih Tzu sheds, albeit far less than other dog breeds. The hairs on Shih Tzus are finer and more difficult to see.

Other Reasons For Shedding

If your dog’s hair falls out, it’s not only due to seasonal shedding. The health of the dog can also influence shedding. It’s essential to keep track of any unexplained shedding.

Skin issues, a lack of vitamins in the diet, and endocrine disorders are all possibilities for why a dog sheds more than usual. It can also influence your dog’s hair growth.

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Maintaining a record of your dog’s nutrition might assist you in keeping him fit and healthy. Take your dog to the vet if you detect any unusual shedding.

A thorough examination may reveal several issues that you are unaware of.

How To Minimize The Shedding Of Shih Tzus

Clearly, you should not rely solely on the natural shedding process to work. If you leave the coat alone, the hairs will most certainly become tangled and snarled over time.

It will be tough to untangle them, leaving you with only one option: shaving your lovely Shih Tzu. A shaved Shih Tzu is not something you want to see.

There are a few things you can do to assist your dog with the shedding process. These actions will not only benefit your dog, but they will also benefit you in the short and long run.

Brushing and bathing your Shih Tzu on a regular basis are two of the most important measures.


Brushing your dog’s hair will maintain its free-flowing nature, and this applies to all coat types. It keeps the skin of your dog clean and free of dead hair.

Brush your dog’s coat on a regular basis for this and other reasons. Brushing your Shih Tzu’s hair every three days is essential if he has a short coat.

Brushing should be done every two days for medium-length coats, and daily brushing should be done for long-coated Shih Tzus to remove any dead or lose hairs.

If your Shih Tzu coat is long enough to cause mats, you’ll need to check for tangles or knots before brushing. This should be done with the wide side of the two-level steel comb.

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After you have finished using the comb, or if the coat doesn’t require it, you can begin brushing. Make sure you’re using a good brush that gets the job done and doesn’t harm the coat or skin in any way.


The Catagen Phase (Shedding/Hair Falling) takes more than a day or two to complete. It can take anything from one to two weeks for it to happen. Follicles will gradually diminish.

The nutrients will be stopped at some point, and the hair shaft will be liberated, causing it to fall out. There will be a certain amount of loose hairs that are not quite ready to fall.

When you bathe your Shih Tzu, it can liberate those hairs, causing them to come out all at once rather than in phases. Not to mention, keeping healthy skin for your pup will make the shedding less frequent.

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