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Are Border Collies Hypoallergenic? (Find Out Now!)

Are Border Collies Hypoallergenic? (Find Out Now!)

There are many qualities to love about the Border Collie. This breed of dog was developed to be athletic, energetic, and quick-thinking.

Bred to spend long hours working on the farm and adapting to constantly changing situations, it seems the Border Collie will never run out of energy.

The Border Collie has a thick fur coat that helps protect the dog in all weather conditions while working outside.

This dog is not hypoallergenic because of the thick coat and moderate amount of shedding.

If you suffer from pet allergies, owning a Border Collie means you’ll constantly deal with allergy symptoms triggered by excessive fur and dander.

There are ways to help control and mitigate shedding and subsequent allergies with your Border Collie.

Maintaining a healthy diet and committing to a regular grooming routine can help reduce shedding and remove dead and loose hairs.

Further, committing to a regular cleaning schedule at home can help eliminate allergens in your home environment, reducing pet allergy symptoms.

What Is Hypoallergenic?

If you are in the market for a new pet, you may have seen the word “hypoallergenic” used to describe certain dog breeds.

Hypoallergenic is a designation given to dogs that are the least likely to cause an allergic reaction for people who suffer from pet allergies.

Because many allergies are connected with a pet’s fur and dander, hypoallergenic dogs generally shed very little and produce minimal dander.

It is important to remember that pet allergies can also be caused by pet saliva and urine. In these cases, even the most hypoallergenic dogs will still cause an allergic reaction in people with severe allergies.

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How Much Do Border Collies Shed?

When it comes to Border Collies, expect an average amount of shedding. This breed of dog will shed a moderate amount throughout the entire year.

The reasonable amount of shedding is the main reason why a Border Collie is not considered a hypoallergenic dog.

Be aware that due to the dog’s thick, insulated coat, this dog breed will go through a heavy shedding period twice a year. A heavy shedding period usually coincides with changing seasons.

During this time, your dog’s shedding will be severe. Expect the shedding to last about two weeks before shedding returns to an average, moderate level.

Can Brushing Your Dog Control Shedding?

Border Collies have thick fur that requires a fair amount of grooming. Be sure to brush your Border Collies fur at least three times per week.

Not only will regular brushing help pull out dead and loose hair, but it can bring natural oils from the skin into your pet’s fur, making it healthier.

Border Collies also need regular baths to keep the skin and fur healthy. Bathe your Border Collie about every six to eight weeks.

Use pet shampoo with natural ingredients and shampoos intended to keep the skin moist.

Having healthy skin and fur is not only good for your pet’s overall health but can also help to limit shedding and loose hair found throughout your home.

Can You Shave Your Pet’s Fur to Prevent Allergies?

If pet fur and dander are significant contributing factors making pet allergies worse, it makes sense to cut off the problem at the root.

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Many people suggest shaving their dog to eliminate fur and dander that could be worsening your pet allergies. Unfortunately, shaving your pet may create new, more complicated, and dangerous problems to form.

A pet’s fur is intended to help it regulate internal temperature. Not only does fur keep your dog warm, but it also helps keep it cool.

The pet’s fur is also protective and prevents sunburn, bug bites, and exposure. Lastly, shaving your dog may strip your dog’s skin of the natural oils needed to keep your pet healthy.

While shaving your dog may eliminate pet fur floating through the house, it could increase the amount of dander caused by dry and damaged skin. Never shave your dog to the skin.

Always consult a professional dog groomer familiar with your dog breed when clipping the fur short to ensure your dog will remain healthy and comfortable in all seasons.

What Can I Do At Home To Prevent Pet Allergies?

If you own a pet that sheds more than your average dog, you may be fighting symptoms of pet allergies. Luckily, there are some easy adjustments you can make at home to help reduce your symptoms.

Some great places to start reducing allergens in your home include:

  • Pet-Free Zones – Designate areas in your home that are pet-free zones. These are places in your home where your dog is not welcome. Use the pet-free zones as an oasis, free from allergens to allow you to breathe easily and recover from allergy symptoms.
  • Launder Fabrics – Pet fur and dander can embed themselves in fabrics and textiles very easily. Be sure to launder fabrics in your home to remove dander regularly. Wash your cushions, pillows, blankets, and drapes regularly. You always want to launder your pet’s bed, blankets, and soft toys.
  • Daily Vacuuming – As much as it may seem like a chore, daily vacuuming will help tremendously when it comes to reducing pet allergens in your home. Vacuuming will help capture loose fur and dander floating through your home.
  • Hepa Filters – Invest in high-quality Hepa filters to help clean and purify the air you breathe every day. Hepa filters can capture more dust, dander, and fur, allowing you to breathe easily.
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Can Your Pet’s Diet Control Shedding?

While there is no control over how much your specific type of dog will shed based on the breed, some factors can help control shedding.

Changing your pet’s diet is an easy way to keep your pet healthy and maintain a healthy coat and healthy skin.

You want to ensure you are feeding your pet high-quality dog food. Your pet’s food should be rich in protein and healthy fats. These nutrients will help keep your pet’s skin full of natural, healthy oils.

When your pet’s skin and coat are adequately moisturized and oiled, it can keep hairs healthier for longer. When your pet retains individual hairs, it can reduce the amount of fur turnover and shedding.

What Should I Look For When Choosing A High-Quality Pet Food?

Choosing good food for your pet can help reduce shedding and keep your dog healthy. When looking for suitable pet food, you want to find food that is rich in fatty acids.

These will be listed in the ingredients as either omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acids. As a general rule, expect to pay about $4 per pound for high-quality dog food that will keep your pet healthy.

Can Border Collies Get Allergies?

Just as people can have pet allergies, pets can also develop their own allergies. Although a Border Collie is a generally hardy dog not prone to health conditions, your pet can develop allergies.

Pet allergies can be caused by any number of allergens ranging from environmental allergies to food allergies.

Some common signs and symptoms your pet may display if it is suffering from allergies include:

  • Watery Eyes
  • Wheezing or Coughing
  • Skin Irritations Including Hot Spots or Bald Patches
  • Foul Odor from the Ears
  • Chewing or Biting at the Paws
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Pet allergies are easy to treat, and there are many prescription medications available from your vet’s office to help eliminate symptoms.

Some pets will only need allergy medication during seasonal flare-ups, while others remain on allergy medication throughout the year. Most allergy medication is given in a simple oral pill form.

Related Questions

Can I have a Border Collie if I own cats?

While the Border Collie makes a wonderful family dog, playing with adults and children alike, this is not the best dog to add to your family if you have other small pets or cats.

The Border Collie was bred to herd and chase small animals, which could become problematic for multi-animal homes. The Border Collie should not be housed with other small dogs, cats, or rodents.

If you have the Border Collie in a home with other animals, always closely supervise any and all interactions. Never trust your dog alone with other small animals.

Can a Border Collie live in an apartment?

The Border Collie does not do well in an apartment and must live in a home with a large, fenced yard. Border Collies have endless energy and then have some to spare.

This breed is the type of dog that is bred to go for eight hours a day and more, and simple daily walks in an urban environment will not keep this dog mentally or physically exercised.

A Border Collie kept in an apartment may become anxious, stressed, and destructive. Further, the Border Collie may become a nuisance barker, which could irritate fellow apartment neighbors.

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