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Are Ragdolls Hypoallergenic? (Find Out Now!)

Are Ragdolls Hypoallergenic? (Find Out Now!)

You may be attracted to their beautiful blue eyes. Or perhaps you were drawn in by their long, fluffy fur.

Whatever the case, Ragdoll cats are amazing family members who are incredibly affectionate and loving and often act more like dogs than cats.

Ragdoll cats are considered hypoallergenic. Still, all cats can produce saliva and urine that can cause allergies.

If you suffer from extreme pet allergies, you may be sad to learn no cat will be completely hypoallergenic.

While this cat is categorized as hypoallergenic due to its reduced shedding, it is still possible to produce allergy-inducing proteins in their saliva.

The majority of people who suffer from cat allergies are actually allergic to saliva. Unfortunately, owning a Ragdoll, in this case, can still cause allergy symptoms to flare.

Routine cleaning and regular grooming can help reduce the number of allergens caused by fur and dander but unfortunately cannot remove saliva proteins.

What Causes Allergies To Cats?

Fur and dander from cats can certainly cause pet allergies. As your cat sheds, fur and small skin pieces can be released into the air, causing an allergic reaction.

While controlling shedding and dander can help improve symptoms, this is often only half the battle with cat allergies.

More often than not, cat allergies are more closely related to proteins found in cat saliva. A cat’s saliva has a very high number of allergy-inducing proteins that can cause mild or sometimes severe allergic reactions.

If you are considering owning a cat, understanding what you are allergic to can help determine the right cat for you.

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An allergy test performed at the doctor’s office can help you find the root cause of pet allergies.

Are Ragdoll Cats Considered Hypoallergenic?

There is no such thing as a completely hypoallergenic cat. Instead, certain cat breeds will have a lower likelihood of causing an allergic reaction.

Although Ragdoll cats have a thick and fluffy coat, this breed is largely considered hypoallergenic.

Unlike other cats, Ragdolls only have a single layer of fur, and they do not have an insulating undercoat. Because these cats only have one coat, the cat is less likely to shed, reducing fur and dander allergens.

However, even with little shedding, Ragdoll cats still have the same allergy-inducing proteins in their saliva. If your cat allergy is related to cat saliva, you may still encounter issues owning a Ragdoll cat.

Can Grooming Help Reduce Allergies?

If you are allergic to cat hair and dander, regular grooming can help mitigate symptoms. Even though Ragdoll cats have very long and fluffy fur, they have relatively low grooming requirements.

Despite the long coat, it rarely tangles or mats. Still, it is a good idea to brush your Ragdoll at least twice per week.

Not only is this healthy for the cat, but it can help reduce any minimal shedding that may occur.

Bathing your Ragdoll cat can help rinse away potential allergens while conditioning the skin and the fur.

Be sure not to wash your cat too much because you could inadvertently strip the skin and fur of natural and necessary oils.

If your cat’s skin is too dry, it could actually cause increased shedding, making allergies worse.

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Can Skin Conditions Worsen Allergies?

Ragdolls are incredibly healthy cats, but unfortunately, are prone to skin conditions. It is common for Ragdolls to develop dull coats that produce more dander than normal.

Increased dander production can heighten pet allergies in people.

To prevent a dry or dull coat, you can add Omega 3 fatty acids into your cat’s diet. Pet owners can easily add this supplement to your cat’s daily meal.

Increased fats will oil your cat’s skin, leading to a healthier coat.

Can I Still Have A Cat With Allergies?

If you love cats but suffer from allergies, it might still be possible to own a cat and have minimal allergies. Ask your vet about acepromazine for your pet.

This medication is traditionally used as a sedative, but it can help control allergic reactions.

The medication is administered to your cat daily in extremely low doses that are safe for extended use. With continued use, owners report suffering fewer symptoms from pet allergies.

In a recent study, 50% of people who administered a low dose of acepromazine reported their allergies wholly disappeared.

25% of the people in the survey said their symptoms improved drastically. In most cases, people start to see improvements in about two to four weeks.

How Can I Treat Cat Allergies?

Allergic reactions to cats can be miserable to live with, especially if your home environment is saturated with allergens. Luckily, many over-the-counter medications can help treat cat allergies.

Look for a targeted allergy medication like Clarton or Allegra to help manage cat allergies. Alternatively, a good antihistamine can help reduce symptoms.

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If you notice that your pet allergies are worsening or persistent, you can see your doctor about prescription allergy medication.

Many prescription-strength medications, taken daily, are enough to combat mild to moderate allergy symptoms caused by cats.

How Can I Reduce Allergens In My House?

Owning a cat with allergies doesn’t have to be impossible. There are easy ways to help control allergies caused by cats.

Start by getting a hypoallergenic cat breed that has minimal shedding. Then, perform some easy household practices that include:

  • Off-Limits – Keep your Ragdoll cat out of your bedroom. This area has several textiles like pillows, blankets, and bedding that could quickly absorb allergens and make sleeping difficult.
  • Launder Fabrics – Remaining fabrics throughout your home should be laundered often. Be sure to wash blankets, pillows, drapes, and cat beds throughout your house to remove stray hairs and possible cat dander.
  • Dust – Cat hair and dander can adhere to hard surfaces causing your allergies to flare. Be sure to dust regularly and check hard surfaces like shelves, tables, and television stands for collected dust and dander. Dusting regularly can reduce more than 95% of airborne allergens.
  • Filter – Regularly change and replace your furnace filters to capture floating dander or fur in your home. While a typical house should replace air filters about every three months, change your filter every month if you suffer from pet allergies. Further, investing in high-quality Hepa filters to help circulate and clean your air can eliminate pet allergies even more.

Are Any Cats Hypoallergenic?

If you are set on owning a cat but suffer from pet allergies, it may still be possible to own a cat and suffer only minimal allergy symptoms.

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Like dogs, no cat is truly hypoallergenic, but it may be possible to adopt a breed of cat that causes fewer allergens. Some popular hypoallergenic cats include:

  • Siberian – This loving, beautiful cat is an excellent choice for allergy sufferers, especially if people are allergic to cat saliva. This cat has lower than average levels of enzymes known to cause allergies in its saliva. The Siberian breed is an excellent solution for cat lovers with allergies to cat saliva.
  • Sphynx – Also known as a Hairless Cat, the Sphynx does not have any fur. But, this cat still has an oily coat which could be an allergen for some people.
  • Devon Rex – The Devon Rex features an extremely short coat, and the cat only sheds a small amount. This feature is incredibly attractive to those allergic to cat fur and dander.
  • Javanese – Although this beautiful cat has longer fur, it is an excellent choice for people with allergies. This cat does not have an undercoat, so shedding is minimal, even with the longer fur.
  • Balinese – The Balinese has fewer Fel D1 proteins in its system. These proteins are directly related to pet allergies in people.

Related Questions

How long do Ragdoll cats live?

A wonderful attribute of this breed of cat is its extremely long lifespan. Ragdolls will commonly live to be 20 years old or even older.

These cats are relatively healthy and rarely have any known health issues, which certainly contributes to their long lifespans. The long lifespan is one of the reasons why Ragdoll cats are so popular in American homes.

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Are Ragdolls friendly?

Ragdolls are a popular cat option for several families because they are extremely friendly and affectionate.

Often, owners report a Ragdoll acting more like a dog, following their owner around the house and greeting them at the front door when they get home from work.

The loving cat is excellent with children and adults alike and is a perfect addition to any family.

Do all Ragdolls have blue eyes?

There are several defining characteristics of the Ragdoll, including their trademark blue eyes. Although this is a highlight of the breed, not every Ragdoll will have bright blue eyes.

Some mixed breed cats with a Ragdoll parent will feature dark blue, gold, or even green eyes. It is also common to have the cat’s eye color change from the time they are a kitten to an adult cat.

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