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Can Cats Eat French Fries? (See What The Vet Says!)

Can Cats Eat French Fries? (See What The Vet Says!)

Have you ever left your meal unattended for a moment and returned to find your cat nibbling at your dinner?

Do you like to share your food as a treat for your cat? Many cat owners often wonder if it is safe for their pets to eat certain human foods.

cat-foodIn my veterinary practice, I receive many calls every week from concerned cat owners needing to know what is safe for their cats to eat.

Frequently it is human food, such as French fries, that the worried pet parent is inquiring about. So, is it ok for a cat to eat French fries?

Cats can eat French fries, but there are some notable exceptions to be aware of.

Cooked French fries, in small quantities, will not harm your cat, though they may cause some gastrointestinal upset.

Raw (uncooked) French fries are toxic to cats and could potentially pose a severe health risk to your cat.

Curious Cats

curious-catEveryone has heard the saying, “curiosity killed the cat.”  This saying is famous because there is some truth to it when it comes to the behavior of our feline friends.

Cats are curious creatures, and they have excellent athletic abilities. There are a few places in your house that a cat cannot access.

This means that any food, including French fries, can be a snack for a cat in a matter of seconds if left unattended.

Cats often sneak food off our tables and even off the counter or stovetop as it is prepared!

Therefore, knowing which foods are safe and which pose a threat is essential.

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Are French Fries Poisonous For My Cat?

The answer to this is both yes and no. This answer may initially sound confusing, but let’s break it down and see how this can be true.

french-friesFrench fries are typically made from white (Russet) potatoes that are toxic to cats (and dogs). This substance is a glycoalkaloid called solanine. It is also found in the green parts of potato plants.

A dangerous toxicity could occur if your cat jumps onto the counter and helps itself to slices of raw potato you are making into French fries.

This is also true if the cat eats potato peels or green plant parts of the potato that may be found in the trash or compost pile.

Frozen French fries are pre-cooked and will not lead to potato toxicity.

Potato Toxicity

cat-eating-friesPotato toxicity will cause vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, and possible neurological side effects such as lethargy, depression, and disorientation.

If your cat has ingested raw potatoes or plant parts, they should be taken to a veterinarian immediately. The veterinarian will perform a complete physical exam, draw blood for blood work, and begin treatment.

Treatment may consist of decontamination and intravenous fluids. Medications may be given to control nausea.

Most potato toxicities in cats are mild, and the prognosis is generally good, but cats may become very ill and require hospitalization.

Cooked French Fries

French fries that have been cooked are almost irresistible to a cat. They are warm and salty, and fried. Luckily, these are not toxic for a cat.

french-fries-platedCooking, and usually in the case of French fries, inactivates the solanine, and the potatoes are no longer toxic.

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Heat is the essential factor that causes the degradation of the toxic compound. Solanine begins decomposing in the potato at 340 degrees Fahrenheit.

Potatoes should always be cooked thoroughly to ensure their safety before being eaten. Though French fries that have been cooked or fried are not toxic for cats, they are not the healthiest snack for a cat.

French Fry Facts

No one knows where French fries first originated. Most people believe they came from France, hence the name.

However, both Belgium and Spain also claim to have been the creator of this delicious fried food.

French fries went to the United States via Thomas Jefferson after his ambassadorship in the late 1800s.

For the true French fry enthusiast, an entire museum is dedicated to French fries in Bruges, Belgium. The museum is named the “Frietmuseum.”

What Is In A French Fry?

fries-in-bowlThere are two main categories of French fries – store-bought or purchased at a restaurant and homemade.

While they may seem simple, French fries that are not homemade often contain nearly 20 different ingredients.

On the other hand, homemade French fries are genuinely simple. These fries consist of potato slices and your choice of oil, salt, or seasoning.

The main ingredient of both types, potatoes, are healthy root vegetables and contain high levels of carbohydrates. They are also rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and B vitamins.

Cats And Carbohydrates

cat-licking-plateCats are true carnivores. This means that greater than 70% of their diet should be meat, and they do not need grains.

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Diets high in carbohydrates are not an ideal fit for a cat as they don’t fit the appropriate nutritional profile for a cat.

Cats require some fiber in their diet, but potatoes are much too high in fiber and carbohydrates to be a good food source for a cat.

An excess of carbohydrates will lead to obesity in a cat as their bodies and metabolisms are equipped to eat all meat diets. Feeding French fries to cats in excess is not a good idea.

French Fries Are Fried

Besides the high carbohydrate content of French fries, the other consideration is that they are fried.

Fried foods are not only unhealthy for cats, but they may also cause gastrointestinal issues.

Cats’ digestive systems are not accustomed to fried foods, and eating French fries may cause a cat to vomit, have stomach cramps, or have diarrhea.


seasonings-on-friesOften, if a cat is sneaky and steals French fries from your plate or off the counter when no one is looking, it may be the seasoning that causes an issue.

French fries may be coated with seasoning salts that irritate or make your cat sneeze (think pepper) or toxic (onion or garlic flavorings).

Both onions and garlic are toxic to cats. These two spices, when ingested, may cause hemolytic anemia.

The anemia may be delayed for days to weeks after the ingestion of the spice, so the cat should be taken to a veterinarian for care.

Other toppings, such as malt vinegar, ketchup, or mustard, can irritate a cat’s mouth and upset its more sensitive gastrointestinal tract.

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Cats ingesting these sauces may drool, vomit, or show other signs of stomach upset.

Better Treats For Cats


As discussed earlier, cats are meat-eaters; they do not need grains. This makes the meat an excellent treat for your kitty.

meatTry sharing a tiny sliver of meat, for example, ham, turkey, or roast beef, with your cat. You can even give them a bite of meat from your sandwich at lunch.


cheese-for-catAnother snack that most cats love is cheese. Cats are lactose intolerant, which makes milk a poor choice, but the lactose in cheese is processed and typically does not cause an issue.

A small nibble of cheese is a great treat for a cat.

Peanut Butter

A little outside of the box, but many cats love peanut butter.

peanut-butterBefore you share this yummy treat with your favorite feline, ensure that your brand is not sweetened with xylitol (which can also be listed as birch sugar).

Put a little on a spoon and see what your cat thinks!

Final Thoughts on French Fries

If they eat them raw, French fries can be toxic to cats (and dogs).

fries-home-madeCooked French fries do not necessarily pose a toxic threat to cats, but due to their high carbohydrate load and the fact that they are fried, they are not the best choice as a snack for your cat.

Seasonings and sauces commonly used on French fries can cause gastrointestinal issues, so keep these away from your cat.

A tiny bite of French fry shared with your kitty doesn’t harm your healthy cat if that French fry isn’t covered with other seasonings or sauces.

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There are much safer, healthier treat options for cats, even of the human food variety. A small bite of meat, a nibble of cheese, or even a dab of peanut butter will make most cats happy.

If you are unsure whether a food is safe for your cat, please consult your veterinarian. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

If your cat has already eaten something you are worried is toxic, immediately consult your nearest veterinarian.

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