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Are Labradors Good Apartment Dogs? (It Depends!)

Are Labradors Good Apartment Dogs? (It Depends!)

Labradors continuously ranks as one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States. This dog is loyal, intelligent, affectionate, and athletic, making it well-suited for single people and families alike.

Although the Labrador is a large dog, many people have had success keeping a Labrador in an apartment setting.

labrador-in-parkLabradors are only good apartment dogs if they are properly trained and exercised. This high-energy dog needs at least 80 minutes of varied exercise that creates physical and mental stimulation.

Bored Labradors can be prone to nuisance behaviors such as barking, digging, and chewing. Just because you live in an apartment, it doesn’t mean your exercise options are limited.

Utilizing a daily dog walker or a dog daycare is an excellent way to exercise your dog and give it the social interaction it needs.

Further, plenty of interactive games and puzzle toys are the perfect way to provide enrichment and mental stimulation.

As long as you are willing to invest a significant amount of time exercising your Lab, this dog can make a suitable apartment dog.

Do Labradors Make Noise?

labrador-runningLiving in an apartment means having shared walls with your neighbors. Noise traveling between apartments can make for cranky neighbors, especially if you have a continuously barking dog.

Luckily, the Labrador is not considered a heavy barker unless bored. Labradors who are left alone for long periods or have not been properly exercised may resort to nuisance barking, especially if bored.

As a puppy, you’ll want to teach your Labrador new sounds in the apartment to allow them to become accustomed to closing doors or people walking through hallways.

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A tired Labrador is a happy Labrador and will be less likely to bark while left alone.

Will a Labrador Damage My Apartment?

labrador-at-homeThe Labrador is an obedient and intelligent dog that generally is a people pleaser. Once this dog learns a behavior, it tends to remember it and can be a well-behaved dog.

However, Labrador puppies have loads of energy which can turn to nuisance chewing, accidents, and digging inside the apartment if they are not properly exercised.

Always be sure to keep your dog exercised and mentally stimulated. Provide plenty of enrichment early in life, and teach your Labrador what is and isn’t appropriate to chew.

Crate training is an excellent way to help protect your apartment (and security deposit) if your Labrador decides it is bored and left unattended.

How Easy Is a Labrador to Housetrain?

house-train-labradorOne challenge with apartment living is managing housetraining for a new puppy. When a puppy has to go to the bathroom, you need immediate access to the outdoors.

Potty training may be delayed if you live on a high floor or have a lengthy process to get outdoors.

Luckily, the Labrador is extremely intelligent and can be housetrained relatively easily. The key to training your Labrador puppy quickly is to be dedicated and consistent.

Set up a bathroom routine that allows you to take your time getting to an elevator and getting outdoors to show your dog where the appropriate place to potty is.

How Much Exercise Does My Labrador Need?


Exercising with your Lab is a big-time investment if you want to keep your dog happy and healthy. Expect to spend at least 80 minutes with high-quality and varied exercise each day.

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You’ll want to mix up the exercise routine and offer different exercise modes that provide physical and mental stimulation. You may find that puppies and younger dogs require more time exercising than older dogs.

What Type of Exercise Is Best for a Labrador?


Labradors are large, high-energy dogs that need both mental and physical stimulation. While they can be happy in an apartment, be prepared to provide plenty of varied exercises to keep them engaged.

A 45-minute walk around the neighborhood on the same path won’t cut it when it comes to exercising your dog properly.

Your Lab will need at least 45 minutes of off-leash time. Try to find a dog park where your dog can socialize or chase after a ball or toy. Labs also like to swim, so finding a pond, lake, or dog park with a pool may be possible.

Swimming is an excellent exercise for Labs, especially as they age. The low stress on the joints is helpful to keep these large dogs flexible and pain-free even as arthritis starts to develop.

How Can I Play Indoor with My Dog?


Having an apartment means that you may be limited in your access to outdoor areas to run and play with your dog.

However, there are plenty of games and activities you can do with your Labrador inside, even if you are tight on space.

Playing fun games in your apartment can help exercise your dog’s mind, making it less likely to develop nuisance behaviors. Some great games to play indoors with your Labrador include:

  • Shell Game – Try playing the shell game with a tasty treat and some plastic cups. Allow your dog to see where you hide the treat and shuffle cups around, moving the treat out of sight. Let your dog guess where the treat is. Start easy for your dog and get more challenging as your dog gets better at the game.
  • Tricks – Being inside doesn’t mean you can’t train your dog. Labradors are highly intelligent and enjoy learning new tricks. Spend 20 minutes working on a new behavior or perfecting an old trick.
  • Kong Toys – Using a Kong toy stuffed with your dog’s favorite treat is an excellent way to keep your dog happy and entertained. Put kibble, treats, or even crunchy vegetables inside a Kong toy and let your dog figure out how to get the food out.
  • Tug of War – Depending on your dog, playing tug of war is an excellent game for indoors in tight spaces. Tug of War is an excellent way for your dog to use its strength and play in a safe way inside.
  • Interactive Games – Think of interactive games you can play with your dog. If your dog can perform a “sit-stay,” consider playing hide and seek with your dog. Or, teach your dog to retrieve toys by name or put their toys away.
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What Can I Do To Make Apartment Life Easier With My Labrador?


If you are insistent on keeping a Labrador in your apartment, there are training techniques and exercise tips you can use to help keep your high-energy dog satisfied.

Some great tips to help make apartment life with your Lab easier include:

  • Ground Floor – If possible, try to move into a ground-floor apartment to make going outside for bathroom breaks and exercise easier. Some ground-floor apartments may even have private access to a small backyard.
  • Dog Walker -Hire a dog walker to get some of your Lab’s energy out during the day. If you work long hours, a dog walker can not only give your pet a much-needed bathroom break but will give your dog some mental and physical stimulation in the middle of the day.
  • Day Care – A few days a week, consider taking your Lab to a dog daycare. These facilities are the perfect way to allow your dog to run and romp around with other friends. Not only will it help your dog become more social, but it will help get some much-needed exercise out of its system.
  • Crate – Start crate training your puppy from the beginning to avoid destructive behavior. Apartments often have hefty deposits, and any damage to the apartment could be costly. When a Lab feels safe and secure in its crate, it is less likely to destroy your apartment and potentially become injured in the process.
  • Schedule – Consider changing your schedule around to meet your dog’s needs. Labs are high energy and need plenty of exercises. Having a Labrador in your apartment may mean getting up earlier to fit in a walk to burn some energy before you leave or work.
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Related Questions

labrador-playingDo Labradors like to play with toys?

Labradors are not only athletic and active dogs but also highly intelligent dogs. These dogs will enjoy playing with toys that exhaust their energy, such as fetching after a ball or tugging on a rope.

However, these dogs will also benefit from puzzle toys that will require them to use their brain to solve the puzzle.

If you keep a Lab in your apartment, making sure your dog is exercised both physically and mentally is essential.

Will a Labrador chew my furniture?

labrador-on-couchPuppies, in general, tend to chew furniture as they discover their new teeth and test their boundaries. As an owner, it is your responsibility to teach your Lab what is appropriate to chew.

Unfortunately, a Labrador that is not properly exercised may pick up some nuisance behaviors, like chewing, if it becomes bored and under-stimulated.

Be sure to give your dog plenty of exercise and puzzles to figure out to avoid nuisance behaviors from developing.

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