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Why Do Cats Like Soft Blankets? (Find Out Now!)

Why Do Cats Like Soft Blankets? (Find Out Now!)

It is largely known that cats seek warmth and comfort and spend long hours simply basking in the sun daily.

Occasionally, pet owners find their cats seeking warm places to catch a quick nap and curl up for the night. Many cats will gravitate toward soft blankets as their preferred spot.

cat-between-blanketsCats like soft blankets because of the warmth and comfort they offer. Soft blankets mimic what the mother cat feels like for a kitten.

Many cats will sleep on or even under soft blankets to feel protected and safe.

Choosing the right blanket for your cat is essential, especially if you want to provide a comfortable resting area. Ensure you find a blanket with a tight weave without any tassels or decorations.

For smaller cats, you may invest in lightweight blankets that your cat can easily escape if it becomes overheated.

Make excellent, comfortable alternatives if you do not want to offer your cat a blanket, a self-heated pad, or even a cat cave.

Do Cats Like Being Covered With a Soft Blanket?

cat-coveredSome cats will sleep under a blanket, while others may like just to be covered on their body. Every cat is an individual and will have different preferences.

Most cats will enjoy being covered with a blanket, especially in winter when they can stay warm.

If your cat becomes overheated or doesn’t like the blanket, it will simply find a new location. An alternative to covering a cat with a soft blanket is merely to line their basket or bed with a soft blanket.

Is It Safe For A Cat To Sleep Under A Blanket?

sleeping-catEven though the blanket for your cat may seem heavy, it is perfectly safe for your cat to sleep under a blanket if they enjoy doing so.

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The biggest threat to your cat while sleeping in a blanket is being inadvertently sat upon.

A sleeping cat may look like a natural lump in the blanket and could easily go unnoticed. Unlike children sleeping in blankets, you don’t have to worry about your cat overheating.

If your cat becomes too hot, they know to leave.

Can A Cat Suffocate Under A Blanket?

Sleeping under a soft blanket not only provides darkness for your cat but also provides plenty of warmth and comfort. Luckily, sleeping under a soft blanket is mostly safe for your cat.

With tiny cats or with hefty blankets, it may be possible for your cat to suffocate if it cannot escape the blanket when it becomes overheated.

If you own a tiny cat or kitten, invest in lightweight blankets that your cat can quickly move and escape when it wants to.

Why Does My Cat Knead My Blanket?

As your cat snuggles into a nice soft blanket, you may notice kneading behavior as the cat works its paws into the folds of the blanket.

Kneading is a standard behavior cat perform, usually a positive sign. There are several reasons why your cat may knead blankets, including:

  • Comfort – The kneading motion mimics what kittens will do when sucking milk from their mothers. As the kitten kneads the mother’s stomach, milk continues to flow. This action is imprinted on cats, and even as adults, they will repeat the behavior when they are comfortable.
  • Bedding – Kneading is a way for cats to prepare their bedding. In the wild, cats will knead grass to make a comfortable sleeping area, and Kneading a blanket mimics this same wild behavior for domesticated cats.
  • Territory – Scent glands in the paws can help transfer your cat’s smell to the blanket. Kneading is an easy way to transfer your cat’s smell, successfully marking its territory.
  • Females – When a female is in heat, they will start to knead. This action can show that the cat is ready to mate.
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What Should I Look For When Choosing A Blanket for My Cat?

cat-asleepChoosing the right blanket for your cat is essential to keep your cat happy and healthy. When choosing the right cat blanket, you should look for the following:

  • Close Weave – Look for a blanket with a tight weave that does not have holes through it. Blankets with holes tend to have looser threads that can be accidentally swallowed.
  • Lightweight – Look for a light blanket. It can easily relocate if your cat becomes overheated while sleeping under the blanket.
  • No Tassels – Do not choose a blanket with tassels or loose threads which can be accidentally ingested.
  • No Heated Blankets – Although cats love to have a warm place to sleep, electric blankets have dangerous cords and cables, which can be dangerous for cats.

What Can I Use Instead Of Blankets?

blanket-alternativeAlthough many cats prefer blankets, some excellent bedding alternatives keep your cat cuddly and warm, no matter the season.

Some popular bedding options and alternatives to blankets include:

  • Cave Beds – Offering your cat a soft and comfortable cave to sleep in is a dream for many pets. These beds are dark and cave-like, offering plenty of protection from cool drafts. Plus, they’re lined with soft material to provide plenty of warmth and comfort. Shy or timid cats will feel safer sleeping in a cave bed.
  • Box – Some cats prefer a box to curl up inside. A box can make a cat feel protected and safe, knowing it is secure on all sides. To make your cat more comfortable in its box, consider lining the box with a soft fabric or simply placing a blanket in the box. Your cat will appreciate the safe and comfortable feeling the box can provide.
  • Heating Pad – Self-heating pads are a simple yet effective way to keep your cats warm. The heating pads work to trap your cat’s natural body heat inside a heat-reflective layer. The heat is then absorbed and reflected, keeping a constant warm temperature for your cat to enjoy. These heating pads are safe and don’t have any wires or electric cords to worry about. Plus, they are machine washable, so you can easily remove hair and dander.
  • Your Clothing – As simple as it may seem, your cat will enjoy curling up in your clothing. An old sweatshirt or t-shirt with your smell makes the perfect bed for your cat to cuddle in. Some cats may even like to burrow under a warm, old coat.
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Why Do Some Cats Dislike Blankets?

cat-on-blanketAlthough most cats enjoy curling up with a cozy, soft blanket, not every cat enjoys them. Cats love to be warm, but sometimes a blanket can be too hot.

Cats may not like to sleep under a blanket in warmer seasons, like the summer. Further, cats with furry and thick coats may find blankets too warm any time of the year.

A thick-furred Maine Coon may not like to curl up with a blanket, no matter how soft. It is essential to remember never to force your cat to sleep with a blanket.

Instead, give your cat different bedding options and allow it to choose.

Related Questions

Are scratchy blankets bad for cats?

While no one blanket is bad for a cat, your pet may not prefer a scratchy or starchy blanket to a soft alternative. Some cats find the scratchy and coarse texture too abrasive and like to stay away.

Alternatively, other cats may prefer the scratchy texture of the blanket and make the blanket its new preferred sleeping area.

Why do cats lick or bite blankets?

As your cat prepares to fall asleep on a blanket, you may notice your cat pushing the blanket or kneading. This action is completely normal behavior for cats.

Alternatively, your cat may be licking or biting at the blanket or other fabric. This habit is called pica and is not normal behavior for cats.

This behavior in cats is not expected but is common throughout the breed. Usually, cats will chew or lick at items when they are bored or stressed.

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Pica could also indicate that your cat is not getting the proper diet and is lacking essential minerals and vitamins. Further, pica could signify something more troubling, like a brain tumor or severe disease.

If you notice your cat is repeatedly licking or biting at the blankets, you may want to visit the veterinarian to confirm your cat is in good health.

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